Big Fuck (877 Videos)

Nice and slow

I put this together last night (when the site was at a virtual standstill) to draw attention to the fact that navigation had become incredibly slow but NOT nice.( Now that normal conditions prevail again, I probably should have tossed it--but Kevin Dean's classic monster might still be enjoyable to many despite the annoyingly slo-mo presentation I've given it.) If I hear too many boos & hisses, I'll yank it.

Comments (4)

by XYChromo 13 years ago

Well, I guss I'll wait till it actually plays to see how everyone reacts to it. Alas, the site seems to be STILL Fucked up.

by 1success 13 years ago

of course, why am i surprized, link doesnt wrk

by olofmellberg 13 years ago

Link not here!

by qwasty2011 13 years ago

doesnt work