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Vintage Scott O'Hara & Randy Page

Apologies If This Is On Here Already

Comments (6)

by actingrealism 4 weeks ago

I read O'Hara's biography. I THINK he intimated that this was the film where he believed he contracted AIDS. He didn't name this actor specifically, but, if one watched the porn of the period, you knew he was referring to this scene. Anyone else recall that? And, of course, since he was such a popular porn actor of the day, it seemed hard to figure that he would know the specific place he contracted the disease. Anyway, the book was called Autopornography. Some interesting--and DARK--stories.

by maverickhorse 6 years ago

What's life like without a Pool Boy to satisfy your every need???

by nickthedick 8 years ago

Strange how i hated this music back then. but it's not so bad now.
and always loved scott's cock.

by actingrealism 4 weeks ago

Is this the original music that was attached to this scene, or was this added later? Falcon videos in the 80's, as I recall, had those original synthesized soundtracks that had a very specific sound to them. This is in the right genre, but it does not sound the way I remember those Falcon videos sounding.

by royboy361 8 years ago

I always loved watching Scott O'hara.

by actingrealism 4 weeks ago

He REALLY did seem to enjoy the hell out of the sex, as opposed to some who seemed like it was all a performance for the camera. Or, in the case of Chad Douglas, completely detached and going through the motions for the cash. I always believed O'Hara was very turned on. I think I remember him sharing in his autobiography that he actually preferred bottoming, but his big dick demanded he be a top in videos. I always though that was also true of the legendary Kevin Dean, as well.