In case that this german man actually has this super huge flaccid penis, how many centimeters long is this penis?? Because I see that the glans does not reach the knee.
There's been a lot of comments that this is fake (in other videos), but maybe? Even if we don't want to believe it. Notwithstanding what I've seen on the internet, I can still remember in university, walking out of the men's gym shower and someone walking in who I say was near equal to this. It's etched in my mind, what can I say.
Ich haette ihm beim eincremen mit Sonnenmilch gerne geholfen :)
Hehe. we Germany have the biggest :-)
In case that this german man actually has this super huge flaccid penis, how many centimeters long is this penis?? Because I see that the glans does not reach the knee.
typical---these kind of fake videos are always in lowres and many times in black and white...
There's been a lot of comments that this is fake (in other videos), but maybe? Even if we don't want to believe it. Notwithstanding what I've seen on the internet, I can still remember in university, walking out of the men's gym shower and someone walking in who I say was near equal to this. It's etched in my mind, what can I say.