This was not recorded in super 8 in the 80s. Man, just be honest about the prothesis and stuff, dont take us for stupid people. Its 2019 and anyone can recognize a digital recording. This channel is one of the most absurd fakes in the internet ever.
also wenn du mich frägst, dann kann das fast nur an der Walfischbay, in der Antarktis sein. Aber bei dem Glockenklöppel auch wieder schwer vorstellbar. :)
Maybe it is Henrico
May be it's my friend Mark, who is dutch, but lives in Germany. In that case, it can on be the gay beach at Maspalomas, Gran Canary.
----------------------------------------------- P R O T E S I S -------------------------- F A K E --------------------------------------------------
This was not recorded in super 8 in the 80s. Man, just be honest about the prothesis and stuff, dont take us for stupid people. Its 2019 and anyone can recognize a digital recording. This channel is one of the most absurd fakes in the internet ever.
The video is photographed with super 8 film camera in the 80s and digitally converted. Sorry for the bad quality.
und an welchem Strand soll das sein?
also wenn du mich frägst, dann kann das fast nur an der Walfischbay, in der Antarktis sein. Aber bei dem Glockenklöppel auch wieder schwer vorstellbar. :)
That was awesome. Thank-you.