huge cocks (3777 Videos)

Claude gets Birked

Joel Birkin, one of George Duroy's bigger guns (along with Jack Harrer & newbie Peter Annaud), further ravages the BA/KA harem by giving Claude Sorel a resolute fuck. Expecting no challenge to Joel's size cred, I addressed another quibble raised recently--the moans & groans of pleasure so often heard on BA clips--by lowering the soundtrack volume and blending in a second track copied from earlier on, before the heavy breathing really got underway. (I also cut the running time by half, while keeping most of the snazzy low-angle shots of Joel hiding the salami.) Now, if such crafty manipulations can't appease BA's sternest critics, I can only urge they avoid all future Duroy posts.

Comments (10)

by anonymous 8 years ago

so sad that Arnaud is not that pricky as Joel he is a cutie as well

by rich719 8 years ago

Five stars from every point of view!

by namathnick 8 years ago

Super scene! Thanks for all the effort put into posting it, and I hope you didn't go too far into trying to 'please' two or three snarksters who were masking their hostility behind bogus objections to the BA 'style.'

by carlocazzone 8 years ago

@cecilsparacino, you're right on the money to point this out. It's beyond ridiculous to have this model post (for which we should be grateful) cheated of a five-star rating when seen in the context of the mediocrity (and worse) degrading the entire page around it.

by argus3906 8 years ago

I thought I had my edge under perfect control until about 07:44, shortly after which mushy re-entry move, I suddenly lost it.

by cberard 8 years ago

beautiful, wildly erotic stuff - beautifully edited & presented - for which much thanks!!!

by crazy4cock 8 years ago

I'll admit my sound engineering is crude, but I did keep the original track throughout (at a VERY low reading), raising it only at climactic moments--@10"52, eg.--while the other track masked the moans etc. while smoothing over the montage of my herky-jerky cuts.

by cecilsparacino 8 years ago

Sorry sekin, I'm with rocco on this one. Look around you at the crap getting four (and even five) stars here, then try justifying dumping this vastly superior post into their ranks? (BTW, the soundtrack trick worked fine for me, too.)

by roccobene 8 years ago

They matched close enough for me, but if I had found it annoying, I'd have used the mute sooner than downgrade its rating!

by sekinsocal 8 years ago

one star off for the sound remix ... it does not match the action... leave the sound track as is ... those picky old bitches can use mute if it bothers them