Couples (890 Videos)

JMac to the max

I'm just going to come right out and say it. I think JMac is arguably one of the sexiest men alive--maybe *the* sexiest. I leave it to the ladies to explain his potent, virtually irresistible, appeal, but I suspect it has a lot to do with his bloodlines, because, while he looks like your typical ruff-tuff cornfed Midwestern ex-Marine, he has within him the soulful machismo of the classic Latin lover. His dad, after all, was Puerto Rican!

Comments (4)

by develand1 2 years ago

my daddy

by develand1 2 years ago

bitch! keep ur hands off my man!

by williebrowne 10 years ago

get in line, then

by phreddie1 10 years ago