The Alpha Male Frat Contest

In the back of Danny Phillips mind he couldn’t believe he was going to do
this, but in the front of his mind the 20 year-old college boy was psyched to
have been selected to represent his fraternity, Alpha Pi, in the Alpha Male
contest against their rival fraternity, Alpha Delta. It really wasn’t a selection
of choice as it was a selection by default. The pledge with the biggest cock
from each fraternities pledge class was automatically their fraternity’s
champion. Danny, measuring in at nine and three quarter inches was going to defend
Alpha Pi’s three-year winning streak.

The basement of the Alpha Pi house had been transformed into the arena for
the event. Wrestling mats lined the floor from wall to wall, and the room was
filled with actives from both fraternities. Danny stood with his pledge class,
attired in the pledge class uniform of a jockstrap one size too small for him,
while the actives lined up around the edge of the room. Most wore T-shirts and
jeans. A few of the guys were shirtless in the humid basement. They all had
plastic cups filled with beer from one of the three kegs lining the back wall.

Les Garver, the Alpha Pi President, strolled out to the middle of the matted
floor, wearing only his cutoff jeans and showing off his hairy chest and flat
stomach. “Gentlemen! May I have your attention please!?” He shouted. He
waited until the two rival factions of guys ranging in age from 19 to 25 settled

“Tonight we partake in the time honored ritual for Alpha Male.” He said, as
he scratched his bare stomach. “The two best hung pledges will do both their
fraternities proud tonight by entering the arena and facing each other in an
ancient display of manhood.”

The room erupted in cheers. Les waited for silence, holding up his hand. ”
Without further delay, I give you tonight’s contenders. From Alpha Pi, defending
the championship for a third consecutive year, I give you Danny Phillips.”

Danny knew his cue. He stepped forward on the mat, raising his hands above
his head. The Alpha Pi’s cheered their champion, and took in his almost naked
body. At six foot three inches, weighing two hundred and twenty pounds, Danny
was impressive to see. His smooth muscular chest ran down to a flat, if not
six-pack, stomach with a dark pleasure trail disappearing into his jock. His
summer tan revealed by the pale skin of his tight bare bubble butt framed by the
elastic straps of his jock. He danced around a bit for the crowd.

Les cleared his throat, and held up a hand. “Challenging from Alpha Delta
tonight is Cody Breen.”

This was the first chance Danny got to see who his challenger would be.
Neither guy had known in advance who would be their opponent. Danny was stunned at
the sight of Cody. Almost equal in height, Cody was a lean young man, with a
swimmer’s body. Weight-wise, Danny saw he had the advantage as well. It was
obvious Danny was the more muscular, but Cody’s jockstrap was holding back more
than Danny’s and that was obvious to everyone.

Les motioned for both men to step up to him. He smiled at the sight of the
nearly naked men, knowing what was to come. He loved being in charge of this
event more than any of the other events during the school year. “Gentlemen, you
know this is to be a naked oil wrestling to cum submission match, correct?”

Danny and Cody nodded. Danny couldn’t help but be attracted to Cody’s evil
grin behind his dirty blonde goatee. This is going to be fun, he thought.

Les continued. “You will wrestle into a position where you can grind your
manhood against your opponent’s until one of you can hold out no longer and you
shoot the goo!” He shouted, to the cheers of all onlookers. “You know the
loser of the match submits to the winner, right here, in front of everyone,

Again Danny and Cody nodded, knowing one of them was about to get butt fucked
by the other in front of both fraternities.

“And the winning fraternity earns the right to be known on campus as the
Alpha Males for the year,” Les finished his explanation of the event and rules, as
they were. He raised his hands again. “Gentlemen, its time to reveal your

Danny had been psyching up for the event all day with the help of his
brothers who offered him porn mags and videos to watch in his room before the match.
He assumed Cody got the same treatment from his frat brothers.

Both men turned their backs to one another, facing the crowd, and removed
their jockstraps. The crowd roared. They turned back to face each other. This was
the first time they got to see each other’s cocks. Danny was proud of his
cock, curved slightly upward, but sticking straight out. It was Cody’s cock that
shocked him.

Cody had a cock that was long and lean, like to match his physique. Fully
erect, and sticking out from his body like a missile ready to launch, he smirked
as Danny and Les both stared at him. “Eleven inches,” was all he said.

“Shit,” Les whispered. “I didn’t think eleven inches existed in the real
world.” He turned to Danny. “Don’t worry, man. It’s about who can make the
other guy cum first,” he said.

Les gestured to the rest of each pledge class to come forward. Each was
carrying a small bottle of store bought cooking oil. He smiled to himself,
remembering his own battle for Alpha Male three years ago. “Prepare the contestants,”
he instructed.

The pledges each opened the small bottles they were carrying and each took a
turn pouring some of the contents over their respective frat brother. Les knew
how the oil felt as it ran down each man’s body. It was only slightly cooler
than the humid temperature of the basement, and he remembered it had tickled
him as it ran down his spine between the cheeks of his ass.

He gestured the pledge class off the mat and stepped back. “Gentlemen, are
you ready to fight for your manhood?” he asked.

Danny and Cody nodded.

“Then let the match begin.”

Danny lunged for Cody, figuring on gripping his arms and dropping him to the
mat so he could use his body weight to top his opponent, but the oil thwarted
his plan. Cody too found the oil a deterrent to his plans to drop Danny.

The onlookers from both frats laughed and booed at the naked men dancing
about before them, struggling to get a grip on each other. It didn’t take long for
the slippery mat to become difficult for either guy to stand on.

Cody lunged forward and grabbed Danny in a bear hug. “Dude, it looks like the
only way we’ll do this is a bear hug,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah, “Danny agreed, feeling Cody’s cock pressing against his own.

“I’m gonna enjoy fucking your ass in front of your brothers,” Cody hissed.

Danny thrust his cock hard against Cody’s “Man, it’s gonna be you getting
fucked by me,” he said, breathing heavily as he ground his cock shaft against

Cody felt his footing giving out, but he held on to Danny. Both men fell to
the mat, Danny on top of Cody. The crowd went wild with cheers and laughter.
Some of the guys watching openly groped their cocks through their tight jeans or

Danny tried to keep Cody pinned against the mat, but the oil was making it
too difficult to maintain much control. Cody managed to roll over, now topping
Danny. “You’ve got a nice cock to rub against,” Cody gasped. “Feels small
compared to mine, but thicker.”

Danny took a deep breath before speaking. “Yeah, but you’ve got more shaft
to rub, and that’ll make you the loser for sure.”

Cody ground his cock harder and faster against Danny’s, feeling the mushroom
head of both rub together. The spot just below the tip of his own cock was the
most sensitive spot, and he knew he had to stay away from that in order to
win. He saw the look in Danny’s eyes as he felt Danny’s cock tip rubbing
against his own, and realized Danny too must have a sensitive spot just below the
tip of his cock on the underside of the shaft.

Cody thrust vigorously, but lost his grip on Danny. In a quick rolling
maneuver, Danny had regained top position. His cock now in more control, rubbed the
length of Cody’s cock, down the shaft to Cody’s oil covered balls. Danny had
never before been this intimate with another guy in front of a room full of
guys. He enjoyed the feeling of his cock head burrowing into Cody’s balls, and
then rubbing all the way up the length of Cody’s shaft to the hard, large
mushroom tip.

Danny quickly realized he couldn’t keep rubbing his tip against Cody’s tip,
without losing the match. He shifted his weight slightly more toward the base
of his cock, and put pressure against Cody’s base and balls. “You’re gonna
enjoy my thick one up your ass,” Danny hissed into Cody’s ear.

Cody struggled, but he knew it was too late. He felt Danny move in a rolling
motion up the length of his shaft, and back down, two times, and then two
more, and suddenly, Cody could hold out no more. The pressure on his ball sack was
too much, and he felt Danny go for the third wave of short strokes and
pressure on his balls, and he shot his load.

“No!” Cody shouted, turning into more of a moan, and Danny pressed down on
his opponent and ground his cock against Cody’s. He pulled back just enough to
see the first stream of cum shoot up between them. He pressed downward and
felt the second and third spurts throb upward and erupt out of the tip of Cody’s
cock. He leaned up again and saw a stream of cum ribbon between them and up
Cody’s chest.

Cody had given up struggling and was giving into the feeling of pleasure of
his ejaculation. He knew it would be short lived, and he was right. As Les
jumped in to declare Danny the winner, he felt himself being rolled over onto his
stomach, and felt Danny position his well oiled cock against his ass. He was
far too exhausted to struggle much, and in a few seconds he felt Danny’s large
mushroom head pushing against his hole.

It didn’t take much push before the burning ring of fire subsided and Danny
got an oily grip on Cody’s ass. Cody closed his eyes and clenched his teeth
again, envisioning what would be happening to him later that night back at his
frat house. Being fucked in front of his frat brothers was bad enough, but
having lost made him the property of the actives for the first semester. Any
active, anytime, was the motto of the loser of the Alpha Male contest for the Alpha

Danny thrust into the tight hole, being cheered on my all onlookers, and
wondered if he could’ve withstood the humiliation of defeat and the agony of a
semester of being buttboy to his entire fraternity? He thrust two more times, and
withdrew his cock. He slide around until Cody’s face was inches from his
cock, and stroked himself a few times until he blasted his load in Cody’s face.

He stood up to the cheers of his brothers, while Cody’s fellow pledges came
out on the mats and picked him up, dragging him off. “Man, your ass’ll be ours
later,” one guy said. The others laughed.

Danny was being patted on the back by his fellow pledges. Les grabbed Danny’s
oily hand and held it up. “I give you the Alpha Male!” he shouted. Danny
pulled Les close and whispered in his ear. “I won our little side bet too.”

Les nodded. “I’ll honor it. My room after the party gets started,” he said.
The incentives a fraternity president had to offer his pledges just get a
winning result, he thought.

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