best cock (115 Videos)

Ian plows a sow

Ian Scott's agent shouldn't have booked him this gig. Balling a broad as ugly and ravaged as this beast (who seems to have brought her designer sheets with her) is beneath the dignity of one of porn's reigning superstars. Even so, the low-rent raunchy-looking results could certainly be a turn-on if you're in the right mood, and nobody ever said that fucking & sucking should look 'tasteful.'

Comments (8)

by Orcasiah today

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by maggas 14 years ago

The lady has a very beautiful pussy!

by bigdonato 14 years ago

I'm not sure what your question is about, GIDZ. While I doubt that 'everyone' loves Ian Scott, I'd guess that most every sizequeen WOULD, and for the reason you yourself provide: "he is awesome." If you then decide he's "not that awesome," you're free not to 'love' him--but if you won't or can't say why, what's the point of your comment/question?

by GIDZ 14 years ago

i noticed that everyone loves ian scott. why?
he is awesome but...not that awesome.

by TPedro 14 years ago

I'ts not only mean but also unjustified to call her ugly. She looks like a dirty slut, that's for sure, but I for one find that sexy. His dick looks great plowing her, especially in the anal scenes, unreal, lol HOT

by AndyDC 14 years ago

wa, I haven't been smoking & I'm looking at her pussy right now (in the thumb directly above) & if that yawning chasm is your idea of tight. . .well, I dunno what to say. Sure you weren't looking at her asshole later in the clip? ( Not that it's all that tight either LOL...) btw Ian's nuts are as spectacular as ever!

by wewafed 14 years ago

i don't know what you guys are smoking but her pussy looks nice and tight.. and i like the trashy look...

by papagallo222 14 years ago

This gal's snatch already looks as if she'd just done an hour's worth of DP with Ian and Matt Hughes. She looks ready for TP, I'd say.