does anyone out there know of any... or even just one gay porno that came out of this era without the trite muzac sound tract that always starts up the moment someone pulls down a zipper? if a dude didnt have a radio or stereo back in the 70's, would anyone go home with him from the bar?
Rick Donovan was the first really big guy I saw on video and I still like to watch him. Happily, he did not succumb to AIDS like some of his copntemporaries and is still alive and living, I hear, in the San Diego area.
well thats the first time I've seen rick ware a condom
does anyone out there know of any... or even just one gay porno that came out of this era without the trite muzac sound tract that always starts up the moment someone pulls down a zipper? if a dude didnt have a radio or stereo back in the 70's, would anyone go home with him from the bar?
Rick Donovan was the first really big guy I saw on video and I still like to watch him. Happily, he did not succumb to AIDS like some of his copntemporaries and is still alive and living, I hear, in the San Diego area.
Rick could fuck. Would have love to see him now in the age of Viagra for Porndudes
Rick Donovan was pretty hot in his day.