No, we DON'T like your loud music, thank you. What's it for? We would always prefer to hear the natural sound of the video. I can listen to my own music (not someone else's choice) if I want to in my room, but why would I?
by 16 years ago
Sad that these Black Monster Cock videos are so poor. Would have loved to see a smooth play of this huge whopper. Mairadelvall could have just posted one picture of this cock and saved herself the trouble!!
No, we DON'T like your loud music, thank you. What's it for? We would always prefer to hear the natural sound of the video. I can listen to my own music (not someone else's choice) if I want to in my room, but why would I?
Sad that these Black Monster Cock videos are so poor. Would have loved to see a smooth play of this huge whopper. Mairadelvall could have just posted one picture of this cock and saved herself the trouble!!