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Hung as John Holmes, and from that long gone era too... The music is terrible, but the cock is worth withstanding it or just turning the volume significantly down. Anybody knows if this guy also crossed to 'the other side' like John Holmes did (meaning having gay sex)? Probably not. Just asking.
Very close in size to Holmes, Reggie might match Holmes' length but John bests him in the overall size edge to Big John. It's interesting that Holmes would rarely, if ever, appear with men of color....I remember hearing back in the day he didn't want any possible competition in being bigger than himself.
Wow. that cock makes even me envy :-(
Simply unreal
No problem, buddy. I was just saying iy with no bad feelings. I am glad you pointed the missing information to us.
Oh, I wasn't implying it was wrong to repost it, IM--just pointing to where all the info was.
Wow.. that alsmost 5 years ago since it was posted. That is why I had no recollection of it but yes, it is a repost, and a repost worth reposting I think.
Besides 'Reggie Gunn,' he also worked as 'Regis Stallion.'
You can also see him in