A friend in need

Bed-ridden after being mugged and left with a bum right arm, poor Jack Harrer can't even get himself off. But three of the other Kinky Angels (Kevin, Andre, & Adam) rally to his side and bring him much-needed relief. (I'm not sure what the very end of the scene is about - unless it's meant to show that Jack is a bit of a prankster. But we knew that already.)

Comments (11)

by zorrofan 9 years ago

Yes, it certainly seems so, but it doesn't bother me. I'll settle for the favorites rating (which CAN'T be faked or hacked) & the approval of guys like ninjaboi. As for the hacker, he'll eventually give up - just as he did as a poster.

by partyboy877 9 years ago

It's called hacking, georg, & there's at least one one guy (with his own little enemies list) currently engaged in it. Zorro must be on the list.

by georgungeheuer 9 years ago

Wow! Over 160 viewers favorited this hot clip, and yet it only rates 4 stars! What kind of weird disconnect is that?

by ninjaboi 9 years ago

Another fine jack with Jack session...always a pleasure...Thanks, zorrofan !

by jamie931 9 years ago

Three mouths on one abundant crotch! Hot!!!

by dmaxsba 9 years ago

Fantastic, more of that horrible Euro "sucking air" constantly sound... almost 12 minutes of it once it starts. Best video EVER!

by samsex 9 years ago

Check 'Jack Harrer' in the archive & you'll probably find what you're looking for--but not in just one clip.

by gwmale 9 years ago

Now I would like to see a clip of him fucking the 3 boys who just sucked his cock

by cberard 9 years ago

Hot clip!

by z_karpathy 9 years ago

A pleasingly plump prick, to say the least!