Hung Daddies Solo (1175 Videos)

Real 19-INCH PENIS - this is real!!!

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, a 52 year old man from Mexico carries a heavy burden: a 2 pound penis. It's a solid 19 inches long and has caused him much trouble. For the first time, his penis in on video. Can you believe this?

Comments (14)

by marinedick8 7 years ago

a lovely apt with a fake cock

by barrymn 7 years ago

TMZ's fullashit

by mambomuse1 9 years ago

On TMZ? Come on....

by iamhungbig 9 years ago


by madest 9 years ago

It's all foreskin and is probably one of the ugliest dicks on the planet.

by rekcufyag 9 years ago

Here is the tomography

by rekcufyag 9 years ago

guys aparently this is not fake...well, it is, but not as you think; the guy use vendages in his penis and dont let anyone see him without them, but a tomography showed it is real body tisue, but doesnt looks like the shaft of the penis; probably is a deformed glans or foreskin (the "real" penis is averagein size). Since his penis was normal when he was 20, it is pretty plausible he did that to himself.

by horstrich12 9 years ago

The black box covers up his real 3 inch penis

by Polesmoker1 9 years ago

That's Mr Snuffolopogus From Sesame Street

by nigel123 9 years ago

Tight lol