From: Internationalmuscle
Album: Niner
2315 views since Jan 15, 2011
by rippedbulge 14 years ago

Hillarious yes...what would u do on this forum without me...o i can see...and if u consider that as 9 inches then every man in the world must at least have 10 inches.

by Internationalmuscle 14 years ago

That is hilarious, Rippedbulge. But well, i guess the blind cant see even if they wanted to.

by rippedbulge 14 years ago

No way this needle dick is anywhere near 9 inches...6 inches of penetratable meat there at best.

by rippedbulge 14 years ago

let me ask u something?...what good does pushing the ruler back in do you?..does it make u feel good that you get an extra inch that way?'re an idiot take this stuff too serious...dont let me get under your skin.

by 4skindelight 14 years ago

here we go again "waaaaaaaaaa it's not done right" fuck off.

by Internationalmuscle 14 years ago

Ripped, i dont think you know anything about measuring.. I just tell it like iit is...

by rippedbulge 14 years ago

Ruler is pushed back in about 2 inches before the cock even starts...I just tell it like it is.