From: rokit
Album: 10 and a half
4019 views since Dec 23, 2010
by 68special 14 years ago

real tool

by Jettaka 14 years ago

You guys are aware that you're *supposed* to push the ruler in a bit to compensate for the layer of fat, right? Additionally enough about this "spaces too small" bullshit. Let the poor man enjoy his cock :P

by HugoB 14 years ago

OK so it starts close to 1". Making it more like 9.5-10 inches. Which is...still big.

by daslong 14 years ago

What did he do, chop a half inch off the ruler? Looks like a legit 10 inches.

by tulsaotter 14 years ago

Gimme a fukkin break - it measures up LOL
What I wanna know is exactly how many white chicks do you sex up, rockit? dang...

by jaylord 14 years ago

Exactly, and not only that, the spaces between numbers are way too small.

by Wolf10in 14 years ago

You can't help but notice that the measurement starts at close to 1". Do the math.

by jaylord 14 years ago


by bilesj 14 years ago

Looks legit to me.