3574 views since Feb 25, 2008
by FreakMuscleXXL 7 years ago

That's really a hot cock. Reminds me a bit on Pornoboy_XXXL. But he has a lot of foreskin...

by 13 years ago

Uncut or cut as long as its fat and veiny is all that matters

by bigswinger5885 15 years ago

I don't really care for uncut, but, for you, I'd make an acception.

by drillbit41 17 years ago

looks like a delicious thing, nice

by donmateo 17 years ago

so big, and so nice to look at. thank you!!

by Lambeth69 17 years ago

Lovely and fat... As fat as mine. We should start a club for fat ones!!

God isn't it great having a fat one!!