From: Fabi9000
Album: Anaconda...
3731 views since Aug 12, 2009
by LongJohnny 14 years ago

Although enhanced by the close-up camera shot, that cock really is a whopper. I wouldn't like to guess its full length along the top, but we're not looking at your 8 or 9 rubbish, that's for sure. Well might he smile.

by jackolantern 15 years ago

how in hell is this possible. but apparently is.
what must his mates in the locker room have to say? Give it to me, pal!!! monster cock.

by MackBridgman 15 years ago

WOW! Such a manly cockmonster on such a young kid. Let's hope he grows in to it and learns how to use it. The gods do have a sense of humor...