Awesome thickness! Would love to have you "deform" my asshole with that "thing"! "
By monster you mean deformed right?
Sorry, but this isn't 'Monstercock', more an example of what gets pumping a bad name.
Totally agreed, splitcox! You're dam right.
It is always the guys with totally BLANK profiles that post negative comments.... This site is called MONSTERCOCKtube.. If mine is not a monster I don't know what is.
Fucking awful!
That is probably the MOST HORRIBLE looking "thing" I have EVER seen ...disgusting !
Awesome thickness! Would love to have you "deform" my asshole with that "thing"!
By monster you mean deformed right?
Sorry, but this isn't 'Monstercock', more an example of what gets pumping a bad name.
Totally agreed, splitcox! You're dam right.
It is always the guys with totally BLANK profiles that post negative comments.... This site is called MONSTERCOCKtube.. If mine is not a monster I don't know what is.
Fucking awful!
That is probably the MOST HORRIBLE looking "thing" I have EVER seen ...disgusting !