From: hotmessy
Album: just don't fit
6321 views since Nov 11, 2008
by steve2009 16 years ago


by careem 16 years ago

Holy Horse! If that is real??? We would like to see more of it. Amazingly long and huge around. It looks very hard and some guys half that size can't get it up.... Whew! Amazing!

by militaryy2k 16 years ago

def. looks good!

by jeffarches 16 years ago

amazin unreal but magnificent none the less

by ikarooz 16 years ago

What a hunk o meat! No human could take that. He must pass out every time he cums

by thikcok 16 years ago

If this is real... and actually it looks like it might be... then it has to be the most magnificent heavy meat ever.