From: uhlon
Album: Vintage BIg O Penis
21044 views since Nov 19, 2007
by Wolf10in 13 years ago

jackolantern: the photo may have been taken BEFORE Photoshop.

However, it was photoshopped years later, and here is the result. Yes, it's possible to do things to photos after they are taken.

by vergudon 15 years ago

if the monsterously giant black cock is hanging flaccid down to the knee and not erect ,man we are all seeing an authentic genuine 12 inch flaccid cock very rare meaning that when its erect it will reach man close to 15 inches man ,damn.what homosexual man wouldnt want to be born like this man.If someone can expalin to me why God brings some men so massive like him and others so tiny you cant even see it man ,why not all 12 inches man ,we'd all be more happy man.

by jackolantern 15 years ago

for all you people who want to shout FAKE! whenever you see enormous man meat like this, this pic was taken BEFORE Photoshop.
What this guy's got is his, baby, and its fucking ENORMOUS. proof they DO exist although I for one go to a gym where there is Jamacian marathon runner. His cock hangs hafl way down to his knees. He's embarrassed in the locker room and is never without a towel around him. But we've managed to see it. HUMONGUOUS.


by tengo 17 years ago
