From: muscle14
Album: MY 14 INCH DICK
42696 views since Nov 18, 2007
by garrytt 12 years ago

if it were real, what-the-fuck would you DO with it???????????????????????????

by spartan55 13 years ago

That's a nice big cock!

by 13 years ago

Fake or not that's what i like

by sinas11 14 years ago

stupid Fake

by copra 15 years ago

bad photoshop

by MkMeTkIt 15 years ago

Rape my holes !!!!!!!! If your ever in NY.....

by homix 16 years ago

Hi Leutz, hier gibt es was umsonst:

by aus85 16 years ago

Fake. But still hot to look at.

But obviously fake!

by nicky9x6 16 years ago

Yes, I'm afraid tgdresdensuc is right. This fake has been pulled apart microscopically by PS experts on LPSG, with expanded details. Shame but there you go.

by kissincousin 16 years ago

Why and the hell is it always a Heineken bottle or can?k There are better beers, you know!