From: berlioz
Album: extraordinary
48450 views since Sep 15, 2008
by Chickenhawk727 12 years ago

This is the reason that I am a chickenhawk. I see no evidence that this is faked but, if this twink wants an affidavit, he is certainly welcome to have me examine Exhibit A.

by withme 13 years ago


by LongJohnny 13 years ago

Thanks, and you can say that again, suxalot! These 'fakers' give me the complete craps, and they infest this site (which is all about huge cocks, for god's sake) like a virus. Unless everyone is as micro-dicked as they probably are, they don't seem to be happy.

by suxalot 13 years ago

All you nay-sayers should get a life or grow up. I've been around a long time and I've known teenagers who were horse hung and bigger than this boy. I had a boyfriend once who had 11-inches hard, 9-inches soft. He and I often measured it just for fun. For those of you who have photoshop hang up, do everyone a favor and shut up or drop dead.

by bejbra 14 years ago


by hotdudeoz 14 years ago

whats his thumb got to do with it? i have a pic of me that looks pretty much exactly the same as this, why does everyone always claim pics to be fake? cock envy? i mean some are photoshopped there is no doubt, but this guy isnt...

by icaro091 15 years ago

wwoooowwwww the best cock Ive ever seen..
check this:

by dikpig 15 years ago

Oh C'mon Ironheart... thats a pretty big cock on a teenage boy.

by Ironheart 15 years ago

What is "extraordinary" ?

by johnny_hunglow 16 years ago

Guys with dicks this size never have vids. Probably just another fake!