since Jun 03, 2018
I ran over these old pictures of (at that time) 19 y/o Tobi and his enormous 24cm cock. I had sex with him 3 or 4 times around 15 years ago (on that sofa with exactly the same blue blanket). Never heard or seen anything from him since then. He was the first guy I ever met, that had a bigger cock then me.
Since his cock is pretty special, maybe somebody of you have seen or met or heart of him? His is pretty tall (around 1,90m) and used to live in my hometown in Western-Germany. He must be mid-30s now. He used to work as escort (which made sense with that cock). But I got it for free. And he always wanted my cum in his face and instantly shot his load when I did that to him. If you can help, that would be so great.