1881 views since Jul 14, 2015
by samsex 10 years ago

Sepp, your recent retirement gives you the free time you've always wanted to devote to posting here. If your first post is something terrific you get the day it's released & then spend an hour or so editing for upload, let us know. I'm sure someone here would be glad to deepen your understanding of piracy.

by MickShaggger 10 years ago

Good Heavens, piracy! Doing anything for Gold Status? - this smacks of Lance Armstrong. Such people should have their Gold status stripped from them and be named and shamed. Whatever next? Yours, Sepp Blatter.

by samsex 10 years ago

YungHung should stick to Pictures (he finds good ones), but every few months, trying to get Gold status, he posts a handful of clips, usually repeats. I suppose P gives it to him, but, in THIS case, he definitely shouldn't. Why should someone else's hard work earn HIM unlimited access?

by heurtebise 10 years ago

Once Patrick hears about this, I don't think younghungstud's bid for unlimited access (which he surely applied for with the stolen clip among his submissions) has any chance of being accepted. (A few of the five other clips were repeats, too, but none so brazen as this one!)

by lancetheman 10 years ago


by Polesmoker1 10 years ago

Nice Rod *****

by bigdonato 10 years ago