Getting to the bottom. . .

From: crazy4cock
Tags: ratings
Categories: Real Pics
2199 views since Nov 28, 2014
. . .of the 'ratings disabled' notice on my last post, I think a word of explanation is called for. It was only after 'His heart belongs to Daddy' had been up a full day--with 53 votes registered, and the score holding steady at five stars--that I disabled the ratings. In other words, I hadn't 'given' my own post that score before uploading it (as Devi8tor used to do); I was simply protecting the score it had earned on its own merits. I say 'protecting' it because I'd noticed it dipping to four stars every few hours--a fluctuation possible at that point only if it's bombarded by one-star votes. Now, while I can conceive of someone honestly scoring that clip lower than the max, to give it a *single* star looks like malice to me. That said, I think that anyone who disables ratings on his posts should do it without rating them himself. Doing so is preemptive, not protective. If I ever use the disable option again, you'll see no stars on the post--not five--just as you see in this media response.