since Apr 18, 2014
For some reason, this critically informative media response Big Donato made to jermain's video keeps getting detached from it. Here's what BigD wrote the last time he performed this public service--just seven weeks ago: "Thanks to hugecockluver we found out that the masked man's name is Jay Jornter. He's a Canadian who's into gear of several kinds, including rubber and lycra, as well as some of the sexual games associated with same. He has starred in three DVDs released by Can-Am Productions: Monster Trap, Monster Trap II and Kinky Rubber Play. (All may be found through the usual Internet vendors, but, in some cases, only on back-order, so I suggest you deal directly with Can-Am. ) Pix of Jay are not easy to come by, but I did manage to find this one--and it plainly shows he has no need at all to hide his face or body behind masks or get-ups of any kind. And his dick, I think, speaks for itself." [As a footnote to BigD's info, I join in urging jermain, if he's still around, to finally ID this guy in the title or tag of this clip.]