From: jayb4u2day
Album: Young Big MEAT
1515 views since Mar 18, 2013
by bobcollins 12 years ago

Love to taste the milk that makes...

by jamie931 12 years ago

Aha! Jayb4u just favorited it! LOL

by partyboy877 12 years ago

Not even from ninjaboi!!! LOL

by partyboy877 12 years ago

5 stars for ALL of them, but 0 favoritings?

by ninjaboi 12 years ago

Thick & Proud tower of Power!

by papagallo222 12 years ago

I wondered about that!! Within minutes, all went from v. low ratings to the full 5 stars. LOL

by rich719 12 years ago

Yeah, the were 1& 2 star pix a half hour ago

by heurtebise 12 years ago

All 54 of this asshole's just-dumped pix got fake 5-star ratings.

by heurtebise 12 years ago