From: anonymous
Album: 8 inches
1689 views since Jun 25, 2012
by anonymous 10 years ago

Have a look at where the ruler starts. Can't see it? That's because it's below the base of the cock. Maybe 6.5 inches. Nothing to be ashamed of, but you can stop claiming it's any bigger.

by rippedbulge 12 years ago

Not 8 bud...sorry...u know it and I know it.

by GambinoMade 12 years ago

sorry your asshole is so lose to the point were 8inches isnt big enough for you. maybe you should stop being a whore

by GambinoMade 12 years ago

uhh really? because tahts my dick and its clearly 8 inches. its not pressed on my skin or anything so i dont no where u get 8 centimeters from

by ninusexy 12 years ago

hahaha more like 8 centimeters