From: HUGEballsac
Album: saline sac
3905 views since Oct 20, 2011
by TRANSEX-PORCA 10 years ago

WWW.GATTATRANS.COM callme my dear

by rippedbulge 13 years ago

Jealous of what?...some psycho freak who is insecure with what god gave him?..I have a big dick and I'm far from jealous...keep mutilating yourselves.

by pumperbrad 13 years ago

evidently, "rippedbulge" is just jealous...

by rippedbulge 13 years ago

Needs kicked right in his fake ass nutsack.

by Garibaldi59 13 years ago

Wie furchtbar muss eine seelische Verletzung sein, die sich in einer derartigen Schmerzkompensation ausdrückt:

by 4skindelight 13 years ago

fuck off troll

by smoothsilk 13 years ago

That must be uncomfortable, but we can't really criticise as it must do things for this guy. Each to their own I say!

by jperiod 13 years ago

rippedbulge - Really? That a simple photograph gets you so furious is what's pathetic along with your stupid comment.

by FatherChris 13 years ago

Get aids!

Post more! Great pic, thanks.

by rippedbulge 13 years ago

I'd like to shoot that fucker right in his pathetic nutsack...