From: Aquastorm427
3880 views since Sep 29, 2011
by careem 13 years ago

Nice looking man and a very nice cock. However, the cock doesn't belong to the man. Photo shoppe is alive and well.

by president 13 years ago

No, vhailor48. It does not in any way, shape, or form "almost look real," because GUYS DON'T ACTUALLY HAVE 35-POUND PENISES. And it's a crying shame that about 80% of the still shots on this site are of this garbage, instead showing us the God-given perfection that some guys ACTUALLY have between their legs.

by smoothsilk 13 years ago

Wonder he does not fall forwards with the weight of that thing, if only it was real I could play with it all day!

by vhailor48 13 years ago

omg absolutely love this one aqua its very well done and almost looks real
thank you for shareing it :)