The last monstercock

The last monstercock picture i upload, I mean. Sooner or later it had to happen. A site that doesnt renovate itself is bound to become boring to its users and i reached that point. I cant find my own posts, even though i make my best at adding enough keyowrds to be able to trace them down. The spread of tumblr sites will make sites like this obsolete. I feel bored, so its time to quit. In any case, its time I move on with my life and dedicate more time to other more precious things. Will come here once in a while to browse and maybe for a quick jerking off when needed, though lol Arriverderci! Do take a peek at the next pic, its meant to end the process I once initiated when i started to come out (very late in life) and had the urge to download every single pic and vid I found 'on the net'.