5195 views since Apr 16, 2011
by scottfsher 13 years ago

In action: http://www.falconstudios.com/en/Under-Fire--Jakob-Kormos-Antal-Posza/film/20868

by blindm 13 years ago

Somebody post a video of this monster in action..damn.

by LongJohnny 13 years ago

He'd be an all-time attraction in the showers!

by coqfan 13 years ago

*correct spelling is Antal Posza circo '03. Perfect blond beauty lsted as: 6 ft, blond blue, and 10"

by coqfan 13 years ago

I think that's eastern euro model Antal Posta from early 2000's. He was super hot, too bad he did only a few videos and left.