From: hotboy2310
Album: nice cock 179
1296 views since Feb 12, 2011
by XYChromo 14 years ago

I was going to say that his cock didn't look any 'nicer' to me than he did. (And that was BEFORE I read bigd's horrific report.) If you were trying to cast someone to play Satan himself, you could hardly do better than this monster. (NOT the kind of monster we like around hre.)

by bigdonato 14 years ago

That may NOT be a 'come hither look' former gay4pay porn actor Nikolay Petrov is throwing your way, guys. With his porn career on the wane, he became a thug-for- hire, and 2009, got a 20-year sentence for the attempted murder (by sledgehammer) of an elderly couple in Florida--after being paid $5,000 to kill them by their son in law. (They survived, but both suffered multiple skull fractures.) As for Nikolay, he is reported to be bored and depressed by prison life.