Simply horrible video no-quality!! What joy could anybody with eyes get from watching this pixelated mess of a video?!! I would be embarrassed to post such a worthlessly unwatchable video as this one!! And to make matters worth the subject is completely full of foreskin!! Yeeh!!
Thats a great looking cock, even if it is at "that" angle!
@Luigi80 I wonder why that is??
This guy (with his massive cock) is scorned as "full of foreskin". What is bonkers full of? Brief answers, please.
Same posted 2 days ago zzzzzzzzzzz
Simply horrible video no-quality!! What joy could anybody with eyes get from watching this pixelated mess of a video?!! I would be embarrassed to post such a worthlessly unwatchable video as this one!! And to make matters worth the subject is completely full of foreskin!! Yeeh!!
I've never seen a better one on a white boy. Wait until he gets his first deep throat -- he'll go crazy.
those little teen have always bigger cock...wonderful new generations!!!