Stannn (1348 Videos)

Flash Brown

Clip of Flash Brown from DawgPoundUSA

Comments (10)

by vergudon 14 years ago

damn 15 shoe size ,i believe it man so the old saying is right the size of mans shoe size is compatible to his cock size cause he does have a 15 inch cock man damn i would sekf suck myself after work everyday if i had this cock size man

by Ramparts 14 years ago

Sorry to foil any fantasies but doesn't gay friendly = gay?

by elansvc 14 years ago

Thanks, RiveGauche! Sorry about the height mistake; I saw a bio that put him at that, and FOR ONCE, they shorted a guy an actual inch instead of adding several. If you know what I mean.........

by RiveGauche2006 14 years ago

he's str8 but gay friendly, he has a blog:

by Baladus4 14 years ago

I read 4 months ago he "allegedly" did this j/o video for a straight website, who turned around and pimped ot to Dawgpound with out his knowledge. And Flash said he didn't know at that time Dawgpound was a gay site. SUUURRREEEE.....It's aight Flashy - u do u kid. LOL

by atlsexybro 14 years ago

uh... i thought flash brown's FINE ASS WAS STRAIGHT???????????????? AND CORRECTION ELANSVC FLASH IS 6FT5 AND WEARS A SIZE 15 SHOE

by tulsaotter 14 years ago

he's fairly easy to 'friend' him on Facebook - just make sure you send a message along with your request and he's cool with that (and he's savvy enuf, biz-wise, to know a LOT of men will want his products). btw: if u post an blatant 'faggy' shyt on his wall or in reply to a post? u will blocked by him as soon as he sees it - yuv been warned, 'cuz many of you will !!! LMFBO

by elansvc 14 years ago

I got too wordy while gushing at something new, so here's a link to Flash Brown in a STR8 video I posted back in June of this year:

by elansvc 14 years ago

Well, for being a "lurker" you've surely made up for it, and in one day, no less. Since seeing a really short clip of the Magnificently Tall (6' 4" or 76cm) and sexy beyond my dreams Flash Brown, I've been a huntin' anything with him in it. This made my day and is fresh.

by TopTen 14 years ago

he has one hot big cock!