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This fellow, princedb, first put himself in the public eye less than six months ago, but has already attracted a good bit of attention. (Trying to do due diligence, I checked to see if his stuff was already in the archive, but came up with nothing under that ID.) Anyway, given his obvious gifts and flair for showmanship, I think he deserves some attention from the denizens of MCL, too.
Too much goofing off. He's immature.
Awesome....exactly what I seek.
mm super cock
15 seconds in I was totally hooked...his long foreskin was right up my street and the image of his very large penis just hanging, long and fat is what I dream of...a cum shot would have given 5 stars!
I'll give this dude 4 stars just for NOT doing an endlessly coy tease number. (The ones with major meat seldom do, I've noticed.)
Seconds into the clip--bang--he drops trou and shows you what he's packing. Oh, and I'll throw in another star for the helicopter bit! LOL