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This is a French movie-within-a-movie--in which Ian Scott gets a blowjob (and does a little tit-fucking) as the cameras roll. The starlet getting her Big Chance here sucks a bit on Ian's balls--but nowhere near as much as I would if this was MY screen-test. (Too bad it isn't.)
I think what he actually means is that he doesn't like IS's face, but doesn't want to call him 'ugly,' as others have. IMO, while Ian does some odd grimacing now & then, he's got a nice, manly, square-jawed face that's very appealing. (But I'd probably vouch for the good looks of ANYBODY with so glorious a dick as that. LOL. What can I say? I'm a SIZEQUEEN, guys!)
You mean he should juggle, too?
am i the only one who thinks this guy is extra boring? i mean.. huge cock, nice body... etc.. but thats it