Ordinary People Like Too

From: lisaworld
Tags: webcam
Views: 3726
Categories: Videos

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Comments (6)

by theminx 15 years ago

Papagallo, you do post some awesome stuff BUT if you are living under the belief that you'll always be the only person that posts any single clip...well, you're fooling yourself. Keep on posting and don't sweat the small stuff (dupes...just flag them off to save space on the site).

by zano827 15 years ago

SO hot. (Giggity)

by anonymous 15 years ago

Daddys got a hot cock yummmmm what a mouthful

by Gugaone 15 years ago

this daddy is so fucking hot!!!!!

by MackBridgman 15 years ago

Nonetheless, one fine, sexy papi. Nice to be reminded of this hot daddy.

by papagallo222 15 years ago

Still ANOTHER recycling! This clip of Papi Songo already appears several times in the archive. Try MY PAPI SONGO (posted by elansvce) for a clearer version of this same footage.