Mr. 18 inches tries it get it up (again)

Mr. 18 inches tries it get it up (again), can't blame the guy for trying. The chick is fine. If I had a session with this guy, I'd reach into my stash that my Dr. Hard-Like-A-Twen-Again gives me. I've been married for 22 years, I'll take all the help I can get.

Comments (14)

by Jitju 1 month ago

Who’s the girl?

by Knotbttmbitch 3 years ago

Who is he?

by thicky 14 years ago

I love him, man I wish I had a piece like that

by primoso 14 years ago

I dont understand why..... he dont take VIAGRA??!!!....

by babyvampire 15 years ago

Dido is better than that.

P.S. The worst underwear ever !

by 2pikeman 15 years ago

he might have a monster cock, but hes fucking useless

by pacman777 15 years ago


by pacman777 15 years ago

hes like a big dick erd

by hawaiimahalo 15 years ago

Dennis from Jamaica is that you BABY ??

by pumperballs 15 years ago

can he ever get that thing hard