Ryan Idol shower solo

I know that Ryan does not have the biggest dick, but in his hey-day he was one HOT motherfucker!!!

Comments (6)

by godamongmen 5 years ago

Whew...hot stuff. I think I remember this from a longer scene that starts off in bed or something!

by Trapani20 6 years ago

Oh Man would love to see the full clip of Ryan Idol in this video. Remember getting off to it years ago but can't find it anywhere now. There are some very subtle sexy gestures throughout the clip

by rhaja 6 years ago

This is the climax of a long scene where we get to follow him around the house being verbally and visually teased as he jerks in bed before getting up...drinking coffee...out on the patio...while working out... An oldy but goody burned into my coming out mind and now I've no clue what flick its from...or how to find more than this -oh so close- (thanks mcl) scene... Help! Whats it from??!

by blacktiger444 6 years ago

Please, please post it 3632936! It's impossible to find!

by 6 years ago

Well, Rhaja I was in the exact same boat! I remember this from VHS, and that’s where I pulled it from. The name of the flick is “Just You And Me”. They did two, one with Ryan and one with Jeff Stryker. I probably hunted for this for years! I hope that helps, and I hope you can find a copy. The Jeff one is pretty easy to find, but this one was hard. I don’t have my computer with me now, and it may be a few months but I’ll see if I can’t just put the whole thing up for you.

by hungdaddy 10 years ago

Possibly the best looking man in gay porn. He was gorgeous.