4 Agreements: 1. Don't Take Anything Personally 2. Be Impeccable With Your Word 3. Don't Make Assumptions 4. Always do your best even when your best "isn't good enough"...that's my lessons for today as these are The Four Agreements and memorizing them is the order of the day...it really is: memorizing this stuff will SET YOU FREE and make your life EASIER when you remember to remember these Ancient Toltec Agreements...
burp it and then make it cummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...that's one thing that you can do...
Back in the day he was quite the super porn star.
Poor quality picture, great quality cock!
4 Agreements: 1. Don't Take Anything Personally 2. Be Impeccable With Your Word 3. Don't Make Assumptions 4. Always do your best even when your best "isn't good enough"...that's my lessons for today as these are The Four Agreements and memorizing them is the order of the day...it really is: memorizing this stuff will SET YOU FREE and make your life EASIER when you remember to remember these Ancient Toltec Agreements...