Mr 28cm Alulu Butuzangu (Black Hammer)

Black Hammer (Alulu Butuzangu, I guess, that's his real name, nobody would choose a pornstar name like that) was one of my teenage monstercock heroes. There was a report on TV and the producer said, that the star of that film has a 28,5cm cock. The minute I turned 18, I rented the VHS to see that guys cock in action. Watching it now after all those years and looking down to my own oversized dick, I am not that impressed anymore as I was in the late 90s. But I am sure, you have never seen this scene before. And no worries if you don't understand German. That dialog is totally stupid. Two more scenes to come very soon.

Comments (2)

by SizeQueen99 3 years ago

More like 18CM's. I used to live in Europe and I KNOW what a 28CM cock looks like - and that aint it! Why is this on here?

by Darklordx42 7 years ago

More please!