Pay For Cash

Views: 3092
Categories: Gay Sex Videos


Comments (6)

by LongJohnny 10 years ago

Interesting ... their dicks are about the same size. Makes me think of the biggest dick I ever saw (10") on a short guy of 5'6". He came from Scotland.

by madest 10 years ago

Little pencil dick tube dot com is down the hall to the left.

by mrmephisto10 10 years ago

LOL I just hit 'Add to Favorites' by mistake--inadvertently seconding Gay's own vote!!!

by anonymous 10 years ago

at Mrmephisisto10 well that's what the video said when I downloaded it! your both are such pricks!

by mrmephisto10 10 years ago

Amazing, isn't it? Even this guy's titles make no sense. ("Pay for cash"? WTF does that mean?) And why does his put up a half-hour long clip that's so clearly out of place here?

by samsex 10 years ago

Of the 300 posts Gay has made so far, 128 went up during the last ten days--a massive document dump that has lowered the site's quality level to one of mindless, aimless mediocrity--doing far more damage than the resident spammer (now CADO/d0d0), his many str8 counterparts, and such automated recyclers as sexoamor COMBINED. Now only Polesmoker, Chipp, Karl_P & ninjaboy are keeping MCL on life support. But for how much longer?