Doll-face, donkey-dick

Here's a clip I first posted back in August of 2011 which must have stopped working sometime during the past year. Since it had already received 246 favoritings and the top rating before being knocked down to a single star by Devi8tor or some other hacker, I figured I should put it up again. The kid involved was a choice (un)cut piece of Latino trade from the Meatpackers series, and though called "Diesel" in the intro, he has "Angel" tattooed on his arm--a name, I think, that suits him a lot better. Judging from their enthusiastic comments, chipp, royboy, hotandgeil, XYChromo, and ninjaboi all seemed to agree.

Comments (5)

by blojobista 10 years ago

He leaves plenty of room to kneel between those legs...

by sexualtourist 10 years ago

I used to visit kids like this in the slammer. That glass barrier made me think of it. :-)

by papagallo222 10 years ago

Oh, yeah, I remember this hot clip. I wish we could have more like them. Nuyorican meat is among the world's finest!!!

by Polesmoker1 10 years ago

Sweet Meat!! Nice One Big D *****

by dinolino30 10 years ago

MMMMmmm, yes!!!