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No other site matches Machofucker's long & seamy history of constant (and often bewildering) change. From the Golden Age (Igor the Impaler, Hector, The Big Latin) through the Great Renewal led by such emerging stars as Mr. Marky, Antonio Biaggi & Esteban--along with strange interludes of mediocre third-party acquisitions that seemed to have little to do with MF's mission statement--we now see them starting a new year with still another innovation: the result of some contest or other about amateur clips they've been holding. I guess this scene (Gabriel Paris & Ebenforce) is the winner. (For some reason or other they didn't make it downloadable. But we have our ways!!! What I didn't have was the patience to convert & edit it--so here it is complete, with the predictable fuzzy image that comes with it.
Hen I was young …. Anyway I M back from the dead , and I m Mickey Mouth NOW !
MF's answer to "Blacks on blondes"!
Fantastic piss n cum fuck.... would love to have seen the top face on cam
Wicked Upload *****
Simply made for each other - HOT clip, 5***** from me