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Here's the rest of the encounter between Vadim Farrell, Phillipe Gaudin and Roger Lambert (all members of BA's 'big dick club') shot about a yearn ago for eventual inclusion in 'Bigger than Big 3"--which has probably been released by now. It's fucking mostly, but prefaced by an incredible asslicking competition to see who can propel Vadim faster to the gates of paradise. A trio of great cumshots provide a fittingly splashy finale to this memorable threeway. [This is still another clip that had to be shielded from the insane ratings attacks of evil memory. Seems safe to take it back off the shelf again.]
Very Sexy, Very Beautifully done...........Great Video My Hats of to all three yummy guys....!!!!!
Yes my love! Girl !!!!!! I was so excited miss honey
20 years in business & no sign of decline...
Top-quality gay porn, no doubt about it.
Crazy...Delicious and tasty---- *****
Hole lotta rimmin' goin' on in this one...
As pretty as he is, Vadim is no girly man.
BA is hard to top in this sort of stuff.