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A few years ago, & using the same title, I posted a set of Jesse Karson pix related to this solo clip. I would have posted the video itself, too, but another ardent fan had taken care of that already. Now it seems to have vanished from the archive, and even though this trailer for it lacks a final cumshot, I feel it belongs in the 'Karson collection.' Not only does it include some of Jesse's hottest signature moves ("Suck those balls, man!"), he himself looks quite a bit better (is 'wholesome' too silly a word to apply to him?) than he has in several of his later clips.
... apart from my 'grip' comment, this guy has the Total Package: not a a novel phrase, but never more appropiaite than here!
Gorgeous huge Monster Bag!
some one PLEASE upload the full vid , jesse is always an my hitlist .... and he has balls that rival biaggiis!!! x
Interesting. He uses the same hand grip as me (or I do as him).
Little too young to be needing Viagra amirite?
Great x sure...super hot and free to do what
he likes...+++++
I always love watching jesse.
Outstanding balls and cock.
I'd want BOTH sets on that desert island!
I think Antonio Biaggi has better balls..