Beautiful cocks

Views: 8297
Categories: Gay Sex Videos

A wide range of huge, big, fat, massive cocks......<br /> all exciting x sure, there are big and famous stars<br /> and my favourite

Comments (10)

by ninjaboi 12 years ago

Thanks BB! I am feeling hornier than usual this morning and this got me so hot I had to cum like the guys in this vid! Hot and EXTREMELY Explosive FUN!!!

by manatee777 12 years ago


by inkedmuscle954 12 years ago

ummm... it was excellent.
big thanks!

by chippendalexxll 12 years ago

A purpose...? yes to make peole enjoy
themselves..i'm not a * hunters..I've always
accepted everything from 0 to 5 *...I like
enjoying myself and relaxing! That's all as x me-

by Internationalmuscle 12 years ago

Not judging, it was just a question. It happens so often it looks like it was on purpose. The compilation was done by one of our members here and posted just a few weeks ago. But then the format for this site wouldnt allow the rest of us to check it back becayuse its already in last year's mos viewed or most favorited ones, and we lose them.

by sukswell4u 12 years ago

Thanx Chip and ditto mikey953 - one of the best compilation vids I have seen on here.

by chippendalexxll 12 years ago

...then i see people prefer old vids to new ones lately...some members repeat theirs twice

by chippendalexxll 12 years ago

I found it on the net,i like it,without thinking
it was posted before,one can repeat something great after lots of posts..bye

by mikey953 12 years ago

TY Chip for the posting...ignore all the negative comments about you re-posting old vids.....the good vids like this need to be re-posted again and again. If you do not have a gold membership you are limited to 5 free vids/ you re-posting the older favs, you help out everyone....GOOD JOB Chip....we love ya.

by Internationalmuscle 12 years ago

Dear Chip: What is the purpose of downloading vids already posted in this site and uploading them again back here just a few weeks or months later?