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Here's a BA model so new that the outtakes from his audition shoot are in a folder labeled simply 'stage name.' But by the time they released the video, he'd been dubbed 'William'--a monomoniker--suggesting that he's unlikely to reappear in the regular roster. To their credit, the studio almost never signs up a guy just because he's got a hefty dick (Trevor Yates was the last big exception, I suppose), but over here at MCL we have rather different priorities, don't we? :)
this guys does not compare with trevor yates/karel grosse. he is cute but not hot
He might have turned them down...
You seem to suggest that this guy was REJECTED by BA? I will now shoot myself.....
kid is hot as hell, worth a fortune with that perfect dick
Sexomor is a notorious asshole. Just wait. He'll be reposting this clip before long!
I thought I was the only one who noticed that about Sexomor.
What a gorgeous cock!
"'Fresh meat!" Just what MCL needs in the middle of sexoamor's parade of repeats!
mmmmm really exciting video......very good quality.......great cock and nice jerking off......
i think he is taking pills to be a chick/i never saw such gorgeous aeriolas on a dude/nice cock