Due to the many views the other clip, i posted two days ago, has, here comes another scene. Hope you enjoy.
Sorry, i have this video only in several parts - so comments about that are unneeded.
The safe/no-safe issue is indeed the producer's decision--and yes, things are in a state of flux right now, so you find str8 AND gay companies on BOTH sites of the ocean taking different stands. But in the US, gay no-safe videos are still viewed as more 'transgressive'; otherwise gay companies doing bareback wouldn't make such a selling point out of it.
You may be right about not being a 'queen' (for which tacky bit of namecalling I sincerely apologize), but you're wrong in what you say about gay/str8 US/UK safe-sex practice. It's very much in flux at the momen. Anyway, your question--innocently posed, as it happens--has been asked repeatedly whenever the former Matt Hughes shows up as Danny D, & the insinuation has been clear enuf on those occasions.
First, since you don't know a thing about me, do not call me a queen. Second, I just noticed "Danny" in gay and straight videos this past week. Third, since "Danny" isn't on my Christmas mailing list, I don't know what the fuck he thinks and/or believe. I asked a simple question of why in straight media no condom while presented in gay videos. Who's policy? Based on this site and sites like machofuckers, all new gay videos produced, the wearing of a condom isn't the normal any longer.
Why, Chaz? Because the producer/directors of the gay videos where he wore rubbers TOLD him to (company policy--eg., Blake Mason et al)--and NOT, as you (and too many other tiresomely aggrieved queens) insinuate, because he 'looked down' on gays or thought them likelier to be harboring STDs.
big ass hole.......hot hot
The safe/no-safe issue is indeed the producer's decision--and yes, things are in a state of flux right now, so you find str8 AND gay companies on BOTH sites of the ocean taking different stands. But in the US, gay no-safe videos are still viewed as more 'transgressive'; otherwise gay companies doing bareback wouldn't make such a selling point out of it.
You may be right about not being a 'queen' (for which tacky bit of namecalling I sincerely apologize), but you're wrong in what you say about gay/str8 US/UK safe-sex practice. It's very much in flux at the momen. Anyway, your question--innocently posed, as it happens--has been asked repeatedly whenever the former Matt Hughes shows up as Danny D, & the insinuation has been clear enuf on those occasions.
First, since you don't know a thing about me, do not call me a queen. Second, I just noticed "Danny" in gay and straight videos this past week. Third, since "Danny" isn't on my Christmas mailing list, I don't know what the fuck he thinks and/or believe. I asked a simple question of why in straight media no condom while presented in gay videos. Who's policy? Based on this site and sites like machofuckers, all new gay videos produced, the wearing of a condom isn't the normal any longer.
Why, Chaz? Because the producer/directors of the gay videos where he wore rubbers TOLD him to (company policy--eg., Blake Mason et al)--and NOT, as you (and too many other tiresomely aggrieved queens) insinuate, because he 'looked down' on gays or thought them likelier to be harboring STDs.
i think it's interesting he fucks girls raw but slap a rubber on to fuck guys. why? anything he can catch or give, the sexes won't make a differences.
awesome gape but he should have buried his dick in her
it's my imagination or now the Matt's penis is bigger?
lucky bitch
@argus:Sorry, i dont know, where they come from.